Oses Pageview

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The bible on leadership.

From Moses to Matthew, get management lessons 


The main ideas in this booktrace their intellectual
lineage toBenjamin Graham, whom I never knew
but must thank posthumously,and Warren Buffett,
whom I have the great fortune to know and from
whose writings, talks, and conversations I have
gained knowledge and insight. Neither of these
men, of course, hasany responsibility for this
book’s content and no doubt would disagree
with some of what it says, though it is written
as a narrative interpretation of principles they
developed, to which it tries to be faithful.

Just Like JESUS... Max Lucado

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python

Who is this book for?
Programming isn't hard. But it is hard to find learning materials that teach you to do interesting things with
programming. Other computer books go over many topics that most newbie coders don't need. This book willteach you how to program your own computer games. You will learn a useful skill and have fun games to show for it! This book is for:
Complete beginners who wants to teach themselves computer programming, even if they have no previous
experience programming.
Kids and teenagers who want to learn computer programming by creating games. Kids as young as 9 or 10 years old should be able to follow along.
Adults and teachers who wish to teach others programming.
Anyone, young or old, who wants to learn how to program by learning a professional programming

Bill Clinton...My Life

Learn more from Bill Himself...I love this!!!

Banish bad habits... How To Free Yourself From Bad Habits,Forever!

How To Free Yourself From Bad Habits, Forever!

10 Essential keys to personal effectiveness

Improve on yourself Man.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Android™ Application Development Cookbook Wei-Meng Lee 2013

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How This Book Is Structured
Chapters in this book are divided into main
topics, with each chapter containing multiple
“recipes” that address specific subtopics in
more detail. Instead of adopting the step-by-step
approach ofcreating a project and then explaining
how the code works, this books demonstrates
the key ingredients of each recipe — the key
points you need to understand in order to meet
a requirement or solve a problem (or complete a
common task) in Android programming. Each recipe
covers the coreconcepts you need to understand,
without any unnecessary code that can complicate
an example. Using this approach, it would be easiest
for you to copy-and-paste the code into your own project
and then enhance it for your own purpose. This, in my
opinion, is the best way to learn Android

ANDROID APPS for Absolute Beginners, Wallace Jackson

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Chapter 1: Preliminary Information: Before We Get Started
Chapter 2: What’s Next? Our Road Ahead 

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Android Development Environment
Chapter 4: Introducing the Android Software Dev Platform
Chapter 5: Android Framework Overview
Chapter 6: Screen Layout Design: Views and Layouts
Chapter 7: UI Design: Buttons, Menus, and Dialogs

Chapter 8: An Intro to Graphics Resources in Android
Chapter 9: Adding Interactivity: Handling UI Events
Chapter 10: Understanding Content Providers
Chapter 11: Understanding Intents and Intent Filters
Chapter 12: Advanced Android Topics 

Beginning ANDROID 4 Application development, Wei-Meng Lee

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CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Android Programming . . 1
CHAPTER 2 Activities, Fragments, and Intents . . . . . . .. 35
CHAPTER 3 Getting to Know the Android User Interface.105
CHAPTER 4 Designing Your User Interface with Views  159
CHAPTER 5 Displaying Pictures and Menus with Views  219
CHAPTER 6 Data Persistence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . 251
CHAPTER 7 Content Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .293
CHAPTER 8 Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . 321
CHAPTER 9 Location-Based Services . . . . . . . . . . .  . 351
CHAPTER 10 Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
CHAPTER 11 Developing Android Services . . . . . . . . 429
CHAPTER 12 Publishing Android Applications . . . . .  463
APPENDIX A Using Eclipse for Android Development.483
APPENDIX B Using the Android Emulator . . . . . . .. . .499
APPENDIX C Answers to Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515

THE 48 LAWS OF POWER...Robert Greene, uploaded by oses'

Click here to download  PDF... drop a comment for Oses' as you do that too...

The ART of SEDUCTION... Robert Greene, uploaded by oses isibor

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Thousands of years ago, power was mostly
gained through physical violence and maintained
with brute strength. There was little need for
subtlety—a king or emperor had to be merciless.
Only a select few had power, but no one suffered
under this scheme of things more than women.
They had no way to compete, no weapon at their
disposal that could make a man do what they wanted
politically, socially, or even in the home. Of course men
had one weakness: their insatiable desire for sex. A
woman could always toy with this desire, but once
she gave in to sex the man was back in control; and
if she withheld sex, he could simply look
elsewhere—or exert force. What good was a power
that was so temporaryand frail? Yet women had no
choice but to submit to this condition. There
were some, though, whose hunger for power was too
great, and who, over the years, through much
cleverness and creativity, invented a way of turning
the dynamic around, creating a more lasting
and effective form of

SUN TZU on THE ART OF WAR....posted by isibor ose

Click here to download for free...

Sun Tzu Wu was a native of the Ch`i State.
His ART OF WAR brought
him to the notice of Ho Lu,
King of Wu. Ho Lu said to him: "I have
carefully perused your 13 chapters.
May I submit your theory of managing
soldiers to a slight test?"
Sun Tzu replied: "You may."
Ho Lu asked: "May the test be
applied to women?"
The answer was again in the
affirmative, so arrangements
were made to bring 180 ladies
out of the Palace. Sun Tzu divided
them into two companies, and placed
one of the King's favorite concubines
at the head of each. He then bade them
all take spears in their hands, and
addressed them thus: "I presume you
know the difference between front and
back, right hand and left hand?"

FACE READER...Patrician McCarthy

Click to download for free

Discover Anyone's Personality,
Compatibility, Talents,
and Challenges Through
Chinese Face Reading
Click now to download

STEVE JOBS Biography...by Walter Isaacson

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Abandoned and Chosen
The Adoption
When Paul Jobs was mustered out of the Coast
Guard after World War II, he made a wager
with his crewmates. They had arrived in San
Francisco, where their ship was decommissioned,
and Paul bet that he would find himself a wife
within two weeks. He was a taut, tattooed engine
mechanic, six feet tall, with a passing resemblance
to James Dean. But it wasn’t his looks that got him
a date with Clara Hagopian, a sweethumored
daughter of Armenian immigrants. It was the fact that
he and his friends had a car, unlike the group she had
originally planned to go out
with that evening. Ten days later, in March 1946,
Paul got engaged to Clara and won his wager. It
would turn out to be a happy marriage, one that
lasted until death parted them more than forty years later.

Good Morning, Holy Spirit...Benny Hinn

Download PDF here now.

1 "Can I Really Know You?"..................11
2 From Jaffa to the Ends of the Earth......27
3 "Tradition, Tradition"...........................45
4 Person to Person................................61
5 Whose Voice Do You Hear?..............77
6 Spirit, Soul, and Body........................93
7 Wind for Your Sails............................107
8 A Mighty Entrance...............................123
9 Room for the Spirit..............................139
10 “Only a Breath Away”........................153
11 "Why are You Weeping?"...................165
12 Heaven on Earth................................179
Study and Discussion Guide.....................195
About the Author......................................203

GOD'S GENERALS... By Liardon Roberts

Click to Download Full PDF here...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Android for Programmers, An App-Driven Approach (2012) from Deitel

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Intended Audience
We assume that you’re a Java programmer with object-oriented programming experience and that you’re familiar with XML. We use only complete, working apps, so if you don’t know Java and XML but have object-oriented programming experience in C#/.NET, Objective- C/Cocoa or C++ (with class libraries), you should be able to master the material quickly, learning a good amount of Java, Java-style object-oriented programming and XML along the way. This book is neither a Java nor an XML tutorial, but it presents a significant amount of Java and XML technology in the context of Android app development. If you’re interested in learning Java, check out our publications:
• Java for Programmers, 2/e (www.deitel.com/books/javafp2/)
• Java Fundamentals: Parts I and II LiveLessons videos                      (www.deitel.com/books/LiveLessons/).
• Java How to Program, 9/e (www.deitel.com/books/jhtp9/)

Android Application Development for Dummies

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Android Application Development for Dummies

About This Book
Android Application Development For Dummies is a beginner’s guide to developing Android applications. You don’t need any Android application development experience under your belt to get started. I expect you to approach this material as a blank slate because the Android platform accomplishes various
mechanisms by using different paradigms that most programmers aren’t used to using — or developing with — on a day-to-day basis. I expect you to be familiar with the Java programming language, however. You don’t have to be a Java guru, but you should understand the syntax, basic data structures, and language constructs. XML is also used in developing Android applications, so I advise understanding XML as well. The Android platform is a device-independent platform, which means that you can develop applications for various devices. These devices include but
aren’t limited to phones, e-book readers, netbooks, and GPS devices. Soon, television sets will join the list. Yes, you read it correctly — TV! Google has announced plans to include a Google TV offering in the Android platform.

Professional Android 4 Application Development - 2012

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Professional Android 4 Application Development - 2012

This book is structured in a logical sequence to help readers of different development backgrounds
learn how to write advanced Android applications. There’s no requirement to read each chapter
sequentially, but several of the sample projects are developed over the course of several chapters,
adding new functionality and other enhancements at each stage.
Experienced mobile developers with a working Android development environment can skim the fi rst
two chapters — which are an introduction to mobile development and instructions for creating your
development environment — and then dive in at Chapters 3–9. These chapters cover the fundamentals
of Android development, so it’s important to have a solid understanding of the concepts they describe.
With this covered, you can move on to the remaining chapters, which look at maps, location-based
services, background applications, and more advanced topics, such as hardware interaction and

Android wireless application development 2nd edition 201

Download Pdf for free

This book answers the following questions:
1. What is Android? How do the SDK versions differ?
2. How is Android different from other mobile technologies, and how can developers
take advantage of these differences?
3. How do developers use the Eclipse Development Environment for Java to develop
and debug Android applications on the emulator and handsets?
4. How are Android applications structured?
5. How do developers design robust user interfaces for mobile—specifically, for Android?
6. What capabilities does the Android SDK have and how can developers use them?
7. How does the mobile development process differ from traditional desktop
8. What development strategies work best for Android development?
9. What do managers, developers, and testers need to look for when planning, developing,
and testing a mobile development application?
10. How do mobile teams design bulletproof Android applications for publication?
11. How do mobile teams package Android applications for deployment?
12. How do mobile teams make money from Android applications?
13. And, finally, what is new in the second edition of the book?

Android User Interface Development, Beginner's Guide by Jason Morris

Click to download pdf
 Quickly design and develop compelling user interfaces for your    Android applications

Sunday, April 14, 2013



Tree data structures are very useful and powerful for sorting and searching and can
be very relevant for some certain purposes. In computer graphics, hidden or unseen
surfaces are a common complicated problem experienced by graphics programmers.
Most graphics programmers today are more concerned with an efficient way of
eliminating hidden (or unseen) surfaces. Hidden Surface Removal (HSR) has been a
thorn in the flesh of computer graphics programmers, Imagine it as you standing in a
room and viewing the internal bounding walls, you can only see the walls of the room
you're in, and not the walls of other rooms (which are beside your room). The walls of
your room cover up your view, so, you can't see anything else other than the walls of
your room. This relatively simple concept is quiet uneasy for the computer to judge
since a computer does not have a mind like us, It can't perceive which side of the wall
is in front of which, specific algorithms will be needed to do this. There are
approaches to settling this, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages,
some of which are:

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What is Programming?
Programming is breaking a task down into small steps. It is a series of instructions to a computer to
accomplish a task. Instructions must be written in a way the computer can understand and programming
languages are used to write programs
Activities involved in programming includes:
· Write a program.
· Compile the program.
· Run the program.
· Debug the program.
· Repeat the whole process until the program is finished.

Click to Download Full Lecture Note


Course outline:
Approximation, decimal place value, four arithmetic functions, reciprocal, sine, cosine, tangent,
exponentials and logarithms. Positive and negative indices and square root, simple algebraic eqn,
and quadractic equations using correct formular.
Using: exponential growth in human population,
Population data…census accuracy, sample survey,
Population quantities: birth rate, population density.

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“Keep sowing the seeds (diligence in all aspect), the grass will grow and the sheep will
come to eat…make the grass greener (packaging) and the sheep will gather to eat and
lay down on the grass” (…for He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: PS
23:2)----- BSP David Olaniyi Oyedepo
Corporate tithing: Heb 7:1, 2 and 7, Gen 14:18-20
This involves paying one tenth of the business profit apart from ones personal
income tithe. This is a kingdom mystery especially for business owners who
desire multiplicative growth and business expansion speedily.
Weekly, Bi-weekly or Monthly Thanksgiving which ever the Spirit
Appreciations to God must be expressive, it culminates into the following:
 Business Multiplication in all aspect. Jn 6: 11-13, Mk 8: 6
 It raises dead and dying business back to life. Jn 11: 41-44
 It brings complete wholeness to business which makes its operation stress
free. Lk17:12-19
PHYSICAL STEPS (Life is a Business…Lk2:49---Dr. David Oyedepo.)
Good Marketing and Communication Plan:
As each pupil is worth an amount of funding, a school should ensure that it has a
good marketing and communication plan in place to entice new pupils to the
school. A marketing plan can cover anything from:
1. Developing a clear and well designed School billboards, pamphlets and
leaflets which all visiting persons at every point in time must be handed a

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CIS 815 PRECEDENCE PARSER AND LL1 GRAMMAR power point presentation

                                                     Click here to Download this presentation


The process of discovering a derivation from a set of production rules is called parsing. Technically, parsing can be seen as a process of determining if a string of tokens can be derived from the start state of a grammar. Precedence parser or LR(1) parser, is a type of parser that set rules for binding operators to
operands, Higher precedence operators bind to their operands before lower precedence ones. e.g., / and * have equal precedence, but are higher than either + or -, which have equal precedence. If two operators have the same precedence, we use what is called associativity to resolve the ambiguity. Operators can be either left associative, right              associative, or nonassociative.

If one can build a parsing table with no multiply-defined entries, then the grammar is LL(1).
Grammars with the LL(1) property are called predictive grammars because the parser can
“predict” the correct expansion at each point in the parse, while Parsers that capitalize on the
LL(1) property are called predictive parsers. One kind of predictive parser is the recursive

descent parser.

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This is the simplest among the sorting techniques available. It is an efficient algorithm when sorting a small number of elements. It processes the input elements one-by-one and maintains the solution for the elements processed so far, this is referred to as an incremental algorithm. The selection sort algorithm is inefficient for larger lists. It has performance advantages over more complicated algorithms in certain situations, particularly where
auxiliary memory is limited.

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What is “Coalescing”?
Coalescing involves the use of memory address mapping to make memory contiguous, it means that all free
memory area are coalesced, compacted, or re-compacted in some cases into one contiguous free area. It is
also referred to as “burping the memory”. From the diagram above, the three free memory fragments created
by jobs1, 2, and 3 will actually sum up to be enough for allocation to a new incoming job but since they are
separated, it will be impossible to do that.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The Chomsky hierarchy, also occasionally referred to as the Chomsky- Schützenberger hierarchy defines the hierarchy of grammars as corresponding to their types. This hierarchy is a nested set of classes of formal grammar all contained together. This paper provides an overview of the Chomsky hierarchy, with each of its levels well defined and showing their various applicable areas. It also discusses beforehand, the personalities involved in the creation of the hierarchy and definitions of languages, grammar and available grammar types.
The collaboration of Avram Noam Chomsky and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger brought about the Chomsky- Schützenberger hierarchy in 1956 popularly known as the Chomsky hierarchy in computer science. Noam Chomsky was born on December 7th,1928 and as at May 2010 he was the current Professor ementus of linguistics at MIT. He is regarded as one of the fathers of modern linguistics. He has been involved in the creation of the theory of generative grammar and sparked the cognitive revolution in psychology. His contributions cut across academic majors from linguistics (transformational grammars, generative grammar and language acquisition) to computer science (Chomsky hierarchy, Chomsky normal form, context free grammar) and Psychology (cognitive revolution-1959, and universal grammar).

Marcel-Paul Schützenberger, a French mathematician and a Doctor of Medicine was born on October 24th, 1920 and died in July 29th, 1996. His contribution in the area of formal language with Noam Chomsky brought about the Chomsky- Schützenberger hierarchy and the Chomsky- Schützenberger theorem (Noam Chomsky, 1959).

The hierarchy is a containment hierarchy (strictly nested sets) of classes of formal grammars classified into four separate class type. The Highest restricted class type being a subset of the next less restricted class type up to the last unrestricted class type. The unrestricted class type acts as a supper set to the other restricted classes which are all subsets in it.

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