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Sunday, April 14, 2013



Tree data structures are very useful and powerful for sorting and searching and can
be very relevant for some certain purposes. In computer graphics, hidden or unseen
surfaces are a common complicated problem experienced by graphics programmers.
Most graphics programmers today are more concerned with an efficient way of
eliminating hidden (or unseen) surfaces. Hidden Surface Removal (HSR) has been a
thorn in the flesh of computer graphics programmers, Imagine it as you standing in a
room and viewing the internal bounding walls, you can only see the walls of the room
you're in, and not the walls of other rooms (which are beside your room). The walls of
your room cover up your view, so, you can't see anything else other than the walls of
your room. This relatively simple concept is quiet uneasy for the computer to judge
since a computer does not have a mind like us, It can't perceive which side of the wall
is in front of which, specific algorithms will be needed to do this. There are
approaches to settling this, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages,
some of which are:

Click to Download 

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